Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Sometimes-hilarious-other-times-idiotic-time-waster.com must have been taken.

Here I sit, eating my lunch in the middle of my first day back at work after Christmas vacation. To say that I'm productive today might qualify as statement of blasphemy on some level; or at least on the same level of truthfulness as calling Steven Sommers a patient, thoughtful storyteller.*

So, as is my tradition on days like these, I am indulging in short distractions on such a level that they are now "holy crap, how long have you been on that site!?" sort of distractions. Some sites are worse than others, but none are worse than YouTube.

From "Boogie Boogie Hedgehog," to "California shaped boogers," I find myself spending truly offensive amounts of time clicking on links in the "related" column until I'm watching something completely unrelated (Zombieland movie trailer).**

What a brilliantly dangerous concept.

Give a weapon of mass communication to ANYONE. Three clicks, and I'm lost in a dizzying array of crap or giddyness. Thank you YouTube, I hate you (not really).

*Steven S0mmers is the sometimes fun, always brainless director of: G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra, Van Helsing, & The Mummy.

**Anyone that hasn't seen Zombieland should...unless you don't dig zombies or hilarity.

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